23 West Market St., Suite 101

✓ Make facial expressions in treated areas for 30 minutes after injections to help distribute the BOTOX.

✓ Take Arnica pills or sublingual tablets 3-5 days before & after your appointment to minimize bruising.

✓ Be patient. Your results may take up to 2 weeks to become noticeable.
✓ Wash your face as usual and apply light makeup gently.
✓ If you experience a headache, take Tylenol for relief.
✓ Remain upright for at least 4 hours after your treatment.
X Take Aspirin, Advil / Ibuprofen, Fish Oil, or Vitamin E for 24 hrs before or after BOTOX.
X Use a hot tub or sauna for at least 4 hours after BOTOX.
X Excessively drink alcohol for 24 hrs before or after BOTOX.
X Rub or apply pressure to the BOTOX-injected areas.
X Engage in strenuous exercise or activities that cause an increased heart rate.
X Wear a head garment that is tight around your forehead.
X Lay down. Wait 4 hours to prevent migration.

✓ Make facial expressions in treated areas for 30 minutes after injections to help distribute the BOTOX.

✓ Take Arnica pills or sublingual tablets 3-5 days before & after your appointment to minimize bruising.

✓ Be patient. Your results may take up to 2 weeks to become noticeable.
✓ Wash your face as usual and apply light makeup gently.
✓ If you experience a headache, take Tylenol for relief.
✓ Remain upright for at least 4 hours after your treatment.
X Take Aspirin, Advil / Ibuprofen, Fish Oil, or Vitamin E for 24 hrs before or after BOTOX.
X Use a hot tub or sauna for at least 4 hours after BOTOX.
X Excessively drink alcohol for 24 hrs before or after BOTOX.
X Rub or apply pressure to the BOTOX-injected areas.
X Engage in strenuous exercise or activities that cause an increased heart rate.
X Wear a head garment that is tight around your forehead.
X Lay down. Wait 4 hours to prevent migration.
*messaging through your Patient Portal is the FASTEST means of communication.


(607) 846-3960

Office FAX: 607-973-2309

23 W. Market St., Suite 101
Corning, NY 14830

Open in Google Maps

Web Design: Thirsty Fish